Awards, Medals and Badges of the Free City of Danzig



The Danzig Cross

(Danziger Kreuz)



Designed by Benno von Arent, the Danzig Cross (Danziger Kreuz) was a Nazi decoration of the Free City of Danzig. The Cross was instituted on 31 August 1939 as a two grade decoration by Danzig Gauleiter Albert Forster. It was awarded to those, both in Danzig and in the wider Reich, who contributed to building up the Nazi Party in the Free City prior to its incorporation into Germany on the 1st September 1939.

By December 1939, 88 first class and 253 second class crosses had been awarded, most of them in a ceremony on 24 October 1939.



Danzig Cross 1st class



SS-ObergruppenfΓΌhrer Friedrich Wilhelm Rediess, Leader of the SS and Police in Norway, seen wearing the Danzig Cross 1st class





Danzig Cross 2nd class



A member of the SS unit "Heimwehr Danzig" seen wearing the Danzig Cross 2nd class





Danzig Faithful Service Cross



1st class Danzig Faithful Service Cross - 40 years


2nd class Danzig Faithful Service Cross - 25 years



1934 Red Cross Service Cross



Membership badge of the Danziger Luftschutzbund (Danzig Air Raid Protection League)



1933 Medal for Special Cultural Services